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    10 Benefits of Mobile Device Management

    As an individual, can you even imagine your life for even a second without your smartphone?

    As technology developed and brought the world to our hands, mobile devices' demand has boomed extensively. It has surpassed the expectations of many. Apart from personal stuff, even work has found a place here.

    As employees work remotely, the organization's data is no more protected by geography.

    To protect the data, organizations are opting for Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions.

    MDM enables organizations to access and operate mobile devices to protect their data from various entities.

    We shall discuss the threats to the data along with the benefits of Mobile Device Management.

    Below Listed are the Benefits of Mobile Device Management (MDM)

    MDM has multiple benefits for organizations. We have a list of 10 benefits that organizations realize with an MDM software.

    Remote Device Access

    With MDM software, enterprises can access the mobile devices which employees use for their daily work.

    This can either be a company-issued laptop/desktop/tablet or a personal device.

    Remote device access helps enterprises control the way the employees use their data. This can include where the data can be used, shared, and who has access to the data.

    In case of unauthorized access or theft, organizations can block access to the device remotely to stop the unruly party from accessing its data.

    This helps cut down on data leak and misuse.

    Enhanced Security

    For organizations, a lost device might not be as important as much as lost data. Data loss costs substantially higher for any organization.

    Similarly, instances of data theft through malware and phishing attacks are also a significant threat to organizations.

    A mobile device can always be at risk, and one cannot preempt a cyberattack.

    MDM helps organizations maintain an additional security layer on the employees' mobile devices, thus helping them keep the data safe.

    Enhanced Update and Support

    Ensuring the devices are up to date and in-line with the organization's latest data and device policy is imperative.

    Users of mobile devices might not proactively ensure compliance with these guidelines due to numerous factors.

    MDM helps organizations access mobile devices and push the new updates and provide support to the devices.

    This ensures all devices are compliant with the latest updates and policies at all times.

    Better Application Control

    Sometimes an employee might use some personal applications on the company devices.

    All these applications use the data in the device one way or the other. But how this data might be used is a big question.

    No organization wants to risk having their data being accessed by any other unknown third party.

    Thus with MDM, organizations can control the applications that the employee uses and cannot use. It helps control the data being used by applications.

    Also Read: Top 7 Open Source Mobile Device Management Tools

    Device Tracking

    Some MDM software provides the capability to track devices based on the available hardware on the devices.

    Organizations can use these to track the devices to ensure they are within the safe zone as specified.

    MDM also helps organizations set geo-locks on the devices to ensure the device and data are always secure.

    Remote Device Erase Capability

    In the case of device theft, the data on the device is at a definite risk.

    At this moment, the impetus for an organization is to ensure the organizations' sensitive data is safeguarded.

    Using MDM, organizations can remotely erase the data on the devices.

    With this, the device turns in a heavy brick or paperweight. Data safety is thus ensured at all times.

    Better Device Compliance

    From time to time, organizations can make some changes to data and digital policies. This needs for the devices to be updated to the latest guidelines.

    With MDM, organizations can ensure that the latest data policies are updated to all the devices. It helps ensure the new settings have taken effect immediately.

    Hence, the device is always compliant with organization policies.

    Enables Auto Backup

    Losing data to a device crash or theft can hurt an organization significantly. Ensuring that the data is not lost, it needs to be backed up regularly.

    The backup server can be on-premise or on the cloud; that does not matter.

    What is important is to back up the data. MDM software helps schedule and backup the data during idle hours.

    Hence, in case of theft or a breakdown, no data is lost, and the data can be restored to a new device, and business can continue unhindered.

    Supports Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

    Many organizations are now opting for BYOD at the workplace.

    This helps organizations keep their operations costs low. The employees are happy and productive since they are working on a familiar device.

    When the employees know what goes where and what does what, they worry less about the rest and can focus more on the job.

    This results in better performance and profits for the organizations as well as a happy workforce.

    But, with personal devices, the risk of data security is even higher. The devices might be accessible to multiple people at varied locations.

    Thus, using MDM, organizations can safeguard their data without hampering the device's personal usability for the employees.

    Saves Cost

    Data safety indeed means more savings for the company. Moreover, if devices are also protected, the organization ends spending that much less overall.

    Thus they save on operational costs, which is comparatively higher than what they spend on an MDM software.


    Mobile Device Management has shifted from being a luxury and novelty item to a necessity. This is because the organizations' dependence on data has substantially increased. MDM has become a regular player in the day-to-day tasks within an organization.

    Moreover, challenging situations like pandemics and natural calamities has resulted in businesses resorting to remote working solutions.

    In such scenarios, it is imperative to safeguard data and ensure compliance for effective business operations.

    Many players in the MDM market have some excellent products with varied features for large enterprises and SMEs.
    Organizations can opt for an effective product and ensure that no matter what, business continues as usual for them.

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