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    Home > Blogs > WebTech

    Blockchain In the Education System: Advantages and Use Cases
    Blockchain In the Education System: Advantages and Use Cases
    Introduction Blockchain in the education system can easily store a varied amount of educational data. Student records are endless. With blockchain technology, assets like attendance, courses, payments toward tuition if they attend a private school, grades, coursework can be stored. Also, their diploma can become part of their personal blockchain record. These records cannot be […]
    Arduino or Raspberry Pi for Internet of Things: Which is Better
    Arduino or Raspberry Pi for Internet of Things: Which is Better
    Arduino or Raspberry Pi for Internet of Things Choosing the right development board, whether it's an Arduino or Raspberry Pi for Internet of Things, can add a lot of value to your company. It would reduce power consumption, reduce developer hours, increase uptime, and more. Adruino is a single-board microcontroller created in the early 2000s […]
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    Zigbee On The Internet Of Things: Advantages And Disadvantages
    Zigbee on the Internet of Things: Introduction Zigbee on the Internet of Things is also known as Zigbee communication. It is a Zigbee alliance product. It is designed specifically for control and sensor networks based on the IEEE standard for wireless personal area networks (WPANs). This communication standard specifies the physical and MAC layers required […]
    Security Issues Concerning IoT and Their Solutions
    Security Issues Concerning IoT and Their Solutions
    IoT Security: Introduction Security Issues Concerning IoT have been on the rise lately. Physical device security and network security are both covered by IoT security. It has an impact on the procedures that must be followed to protect IoT devices and networks. This also includes devices that aren't designed for network security. It includes industrial […]
    Telematics and the Internet of Things to Better Manage Your Fleet
    Telematics and the Internet of Things to Better Manage Your Fleet
    Introduction Telematics and the Internet of Things collect streamlined data across entire fleets. IoT sensors can be seamlessly integrated into a fleet management platform. It would then mine and sort relevant data more quickly and efficiently. This also gives you near-real-time visibility into key metrics like fuel consumption, engine status, vehicle location, driver behavior, and […]
    Edge Computing can Visualize Businesses in Real-Time
    Edge Computing can Help Visualize Businesses in Real-Time
    Edge computing can visualize businesses in real-time. Retailers can make the most of edge computing to give their customers the best experience possible. As a result, edge computing is one of the most effective ways to improve the business and reintroduce customers to retail stores. Continue reading to know more about Edge Computing and its […]
    Computer Vision And Facial Recognition : Real World Applications
    Computer Vision And Facial Recognition: Real World Applications
    We're fine-tuning computer vision and facial recognition even further with AI and deep learning. Many institutions and businesses have already found ways to use this technology. This pattern is unlikely to change anytime soon. What is to come with computer vision and facial recognition in the future will be incredible.
    Challenges Faced By Human-Machine Collaboration
    Challenges Faced By Human-Machine Collaboration
    Human-machine collaboration is a model in which humans collaborate with artificial intelligence. Collaboration takes place with machines instead of treating them as tools. Each contributes qualities to the table that the other lacks. Human-Machine Collaboration is at a crossroads in its evolution. It will transform the very basics of our working environment.
    What Impact Will Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Have on Our Lives?
    What Impact Will Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Have on Our Lives?
    Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are still very new. There is still a lot of room for investigation and embrace for commercial purposes. Dreams are being transformed into enhanced reality, which is benefiting society. Long-distance families receive emotional fulfillment. Improved customer journeys are used to leverage experience management.
    What is Quantum Computing and What Can it Do?
    What is Quantum Computing and What Can it Do?
    What Is Quantum Computing? Quantum computing is a branch of computer science. It is devoted to the advancement of computer technology. It is based on quantum theory's concepts. The Quantum theory concept explains the behavior of energy and material on the atomic and subatomic levels. Computers nowadays can only encode data in 1 or 0 […]
    AI and ML in Anti-Money Laundering
    AI and ML in Anti-Money Laundering : Advantages and Challenges
    AI and ML in Anti-Money Laundering When AI is used as part of a company's anti-money laundering programme, it refers to a set of algorithms. These algorithms govern the digital measures to identify money laundering & other crimes. These algorithms evaluate massive quantities of client data. The data includes CDD, sanctions screening, and transaction monitoring inputs. […]
    Virtual Reality in Employee Onboarding and Training: Advantages
    Virtual Reality in Employee Onboarding and Training: Advantages
    Virtual Reality in Employee Onboarding and Training provides novel, interesting, and entertaining ways to train in secure settings. Individual learners benefit from it, as well as teams training together. Virtual Reality streamlines processes and contributes to a safer and more productive workplace.
    Best Security solutions for Hyperconnectivity and the internet of things(IoT)
    The tech environment is growing at a fast pace and so is the human reliability on data and devices. The use of IoT is only going to grow further. This would present opportunities and data risks. To avoid these data risks and data failures, a good IoT security solution needs to be put in place.
    Top Open Source Synthetic Monitoring Tools
    Top 9 Open Source Synthetic Monitoring Tools
    Open Source Synthetic Monitoring Tools help determine problems in a site or app performance. It collaborates with APM tools and provides an in-depth view and end-to-end performance of an app or site.
    Understanding Mean Stack, its Advantages, Disadvantages, and Use Cases
    Understanding Mean Stack, its Advantages, Disadvantages, and Use Cases
    MEAN Stack is a new and modern technology in the web application industry. Companies use MEAN Stack in cases of developing original and cutting edge applications.
    Top 8 Security Solutions for IoT
    Top 8 Security Solutions for IoT
    With growing dependence on IoT devices, its vulnerability increases. This is why security is of utmost importance. Here are top 8 tools to help you safeguard you systems against interlopers.
    OSINT Tools
    Top 14 OSINT tools as of 2023
    Top OSINT tools have helped businesses collect crucial information. These are the best OSINT Tools of 2023 available in the market.
    active vs. passive network monitoring
    Active vs. Passive Network Monitoring: Difference Explained
    Active Monitoring helps prevent network performance issues by proactively tracking network health. Passive Monitoring gives an overview of the network and helps find probable problem areas.
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