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    Home > Blogs > WebTech

    ECM Use Cases
    Top 5 ECM Use Cases
    Significance of ECM An Enterprise Content Management System (ECM) helps organizations to manage content and information effectively. Content management systems are becoming ever popular in this data-driven marketing world. An enterprise content management system reduces the hassle of managing the paper-based documents. We have enlisted useful features of an ideal ECM below. Digitization. Ease of […]
    11 Data Mining Techniques
    Top 11 Data Mining Techniques
    What is the Concept of Data Mining? Data mining is the process to analyze the large sets of data for discovering new patterns, meanings, rules, correlations, anomalies, and predictions for futures. The term data mining is also known as “knowledge discovery in the database.” Data mining is useful for future predictions or outcomes. Additionally, you […]
    AWS Lambda Vs. Azure Functions
    AWS Lambda vs. Azure Functions: Performance, Pricing & More Compared
    As we discussed in the previous blog on serverless computing, AWS Lambda and Azure Functions are two of the most popular serverless computing tools. Amazon was the first company to move to serverless computing with AWS Lambda. While Microsoft is one of the latest entrants in this space with Azure Functions. We will be discussing […]
    ICO Platforms
    Top 10 ICO Platforms to Look out for in 2020
    Here we had mention some of the top ICO platforms
    Top 7 Use Cases of Redis
    Top 7 Use Cases of Redis
    This blog explains the key benefits of Redis Enterprise through use cases.
    Top 8 AWS Lambda Use Cases
    Top 8 AWS Lambda Use Cases
    This blog covers AWS Lambda use cases across different industries in detail.
    What are the Pros and Cons of SaaS?
    What are the Pros and Cons of SaaS?
    This blog explains key Pros & Cons of SaaS.
    Small Business Cybersecurity Threats
    Top 5 Cyber Security Threats for Small Businesses
    There are many faces of cyber-attack and each one of them can harm your small scale business in different ways. So let’s read some of the biggest threats to your business.
    Top 10 Apache Kafka Use Cases
    10 Best Apache Kafka Use Cases
    We have enlisted top 10 use cases of Apache Kafka
    Pentaho vs. Talend: How the Two Data Integration Tools Compare?
    Pentaho vs. Talend: How the Two Data Integration Tools Compare?
    Let's try to understand Talend vs. Pentaho comparison. On various basis of data quality, data integration, Price, Platform, Documentation and many more.
    IoT Applications for Smart Cities
    IoT Applications for Smart Cities
    There are many reasons why people continue to move towards cities, such as opportunities for employment, better lifestyle, convenience, and many more. Well, one of the research from Gartner explained approximately 70 percent population would live in cities by 2050. This rapid increase in urban growth is placing a considerable strain on the current infrastructure. […]
    2019 IIoT Trends
    Top IIoT Trends for 2019
    Within the context of the Top IIoT Trends for 2019, Applications of IIoT in power plants, manufacturing plants, etc. helps to process large sets of data attributes like temperature, pressure, RPM, vibrations, flow rates much rapidly, which can be used to reduce waste and inefficiency. Industrial Internet of things (IIoT) is a complex connection between […]
    splunk vs qradar
    Splunk vs. QRadar: Comparison of the Top SIEM Platforms
    This blog compares top SIEM platforms IBM QRadar Vs Splunk on the basis of compatibility, applications, usage type, delivery model, and price.
    CaaS vs. PaaS: Understand the Difference
    CaaS vs. PaaS: Understand the Difference Between two Cloud Computing Services
    Read this blog to understand the difference between CaaS and PaaS.
    What are the Advantages of Next Generation Firewall Over Traditional Firewall?
    What are the Advantages of Next Generation Firewall Over Traditional Firewall?
    The firewall with the protective layers such as application-level inspection, intrusion protection system & intelligence along with port protection.
    Cybersecurity For Small Businesses
    10 Cybersecurity Tips For Small Businesses
    Cybercriminals have discovered a sweet spot for small businesses, here are ten tips for the small business to prevent cyber attacks
    Difference Between SIEM and Log Management
    SIEM vs. Log Management: Understand the Difference
    The basic difference between SIEM and Log Mangement lies in their handling of data in case of a cyber threat.
    Improve your Website Speed | KnowledgeNile
    Don’t be a Slowpoke: Know-how of Improving Website Speed
    The tools mentioned in the blog will help you to improve your website's speed & optimize its performance
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